Edward Colston – What’s in a name
Edward Colston is not a name anyone wants to be associated with. But as someone who carries the name Colston, and has family ties to Colston’s home of Bristol, the recent tumbling of his statue during the BLM protests in Britain has stirred some raw emotions.
“I can’t breathe!” Did George Floyd suffer from cleithrophobia?
While watching the footage of the events that led to George Floyd’s tragic death, something jumped out at me: George Floyd may well have suffered from cleithrophobia – claustrophobia’s lesser known cousin.
Why we swim
Some swim for fitness; some for solitude. Some, for the lifestyle and friendships, and some, literally, for a sea change. Matthew Smeal is an ocean swimmer and surf lifesaver who began swimming with the Bold and Beautiful Swim Squad at Manly Beach, Sydney, in January 2020.